Constitution of the Republic
ARTICLE V: Amendment
B) Limitations of Amendment
No amendment may be made to this constitution which substantially
alters the form of the government or the powers of its branches except by singular addition or subtraction of powers, nor may any amendment be made which addresses more than one basic topic. In addition to this, the following sections have some limitation on their ability to be amended by the ordinary process, to amend a limited section beyond the limitation one must use the process described in Chapter C (V.C) or call a constitutional convention.
- Article I may not be amended to remove or lessen any right or duty.
- Article III, chapter B, section 1 and 2 (III.B1-2) and the
paragraphs preceding the first section of Article III chapter A
(III.A preamble) may not be amended.
- Article IV may not be amended.
- Article V may not be amended.
- No amendment which has previously failed under the process above
(V.A1-4) may be made except under the process below (V.C1-4).
- A constitutional convention may be called by the same process
used to make a limited non-permanent amendment to the constitution
(i.e. Chapter C sections 1 through 3 (V.C1-3)) with the difference
that the question will be, instead of the amendment,
Shall we call a convention to draft a new constitution?
- If the question of the convention passes all the tests required of
a non-permanent amendment, a special election shall be called, all
members of Parlaiment subject to a new election as delegates to a
constitutional convention.
- The delegates to the convention shall have the power to draft an
entirely new constitution, and to approve it and send it to the
voters by a 2/3 majority. If a majority of the population in 3/4
of all districts not less than a 2/3 majority of the whole number
voting approve it, it shall non-permanently become the constitution
of the republic.
- No constitution may be adopted which does not contain the following
After 10 years, all citizens shall vote on whether to retain
this constitution or return to the previous constitution as
amended. If a majority votes to return to the previous
constitution this constitution shall become null and void.
Nor may any constitution be adopted which is ratified by any means
not including the steps specified in section 6 (V.B6) above.
Copyright 2000 Jack Durst, Last modified 8/3/2000 12:12AM PDT